Twilight Series ★★

So everyone knows Twilight, some love it, some hate it. I didn't mind it but it wasn't the best either. I will say that the movies were a lot better than the books which is something that I will rarely ever say, because books in my opinion, always have more detail and something about them that can't be captured on screen. 

Anyways the story follows the small town girl named Bella living in boring old Forks, Washington. She captures the eye of a mysterious boy, Edward Cullen, from school who turns out to be a vampire.

Edward Cullen
Being a vampire Edward has a few enemies who try to get to Bella in order to hurt Edward for whatever reason. Book one the vampire is just out to hunt Bella 'cause it's fun. Book two the mate of the vampire from book one comes back to kill Bella as revenge for Edward killing her mate. Book three Bella and Edward get married and oh look they're having a child. Book Four they're trying to protect their child from getting killed by the Volturi.

Jacob Black
Then of course there's the hot werewolf (not actually a werewolf just a shape shifter) boy, Jacob, who completes the love triangle.  Jacob believes that Bella should be with him because she wouldn't have to change for him. He's also alive and therefore will grow old with Bella, like a normal human. However he does what he can to protect Bella even if that means asking for the aid of his pack.

Bella Swan

Bella loves both Edward and Jacob but is more attracted to Edward and the world he lives in. She feels that it's more normal to her than her own human life. When Edward leaves she turns to Jacob for support and tries to do life jeopardizing activities, because she finds that Edward appears to her when she's in danger.

So throughout the second books she's pretty much completely depressed and does some, well, pretty stupid things. Though as a teenager in love her actions are more justified since as a teenager, things appear on a higher scale. Such as when a teenager wrecks a car, he/she is pretty panicked and thinks his/her life is over even though it's not.

The books are rather long and drawn out and I think it would have been better in three books but it was okay. The plot seemed a bit repetitive with nothing really very new in any of them. It does seem a bit over dramatic as well, but hey vampires and werewolves, why not? 

Anyways the movies make the story seem more entertaining and the actors fit their roles well: Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen, Taylor Lautner as Jacob Black, and Kristin Stewart as Bella Swan.

Robert Pattinson acted as Art from How To Be, Tyler Hawkins from Remember Me, and Cedric Diggory from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

Robert Pattinson

Taylor Lautner was Sharkboy from Sharkboy and Lavagirl, Frat Boy Andy from Grown Ups 2, and Nathan from Abduction.
Taylor Lautner

Kristin Stewart
Kristin Stewart has been Snow White from Snow White and the Huntsman, Lisa from Zathura, Maddy from Catch That Kid, and Melinda Sordino from Speak.

 Breaking Dawn Part 2 was probably the best in terms of visual effects due to the giant battle scene as well as even just the little training scenes. Bella as a vampire gets to show off her new strength and speed which makes for fantastic visuals.

The music in the movies are alright, most notably is Bella's song that Edward plays for her. The best scene is probably when Edward takes Bella up into the trees. The scenery is just breathtaking.

Overall the story was okay. Bella was rather pathetic in my opinion and Edward and Jacob had the capability of being so much more developed than they really were. The storyline itself was a bit cliche such as the werewolves vs. vampire thing, but at least they didn't have the vampire vampire hunter. The books were a bit boring and the movies were okay. I wouldn't exactly recommend the series but to a specific few I might.

1 comment:

  1. A thorough review, however I have to disagree on one minor point. In my opinion, the actress who played Bella had no emotional range. I thought perhaps it was due to the directing or the story, but when I saw her in the Snow White movie it was more of the same horrible acting with no facial expressions.
