God's Not Dead ★★★★★

God's Not Dead is an uplifting and enlightening movie, about the strength and courage of a young man and his faith for God. The movie highlights a handful of other characters and shows how they are all connected, and how they come to believe in God. It is largely based off of the novel God's Not Dead: Evidence For God In An Age Of Uncertainty by Rice Broocks. 

Josh Wheaton (Shane Harper) defending the existence of God
The movie was well cast especially the lead role. Shane Harper himself is a Christian and that shows when he is made to defend the existence of God in this movie. For people who are agnostic (those who don't know if there is a God) this is an excellent movie saying as Josh, the main protagonist, uses facts to prove the existence of God. The arguments are valid and at the very least, intriguing. 

Though this movie was not heavy on sound or visual effects there are a few to be noted, and were executed well. 

Duck Dynasty Robertson Family
God's Not Dead also featured the Robertson family from the popular reality TV show, Duck Dynasty, and the well known Christian band, the Newsboys. 

The Newsboys even had a God's Not Dead tour. They have just released their new album, Restart, with a hit new single "We Believe". They will being their We Believe tour this fall.

The Newsboys

As they performed they asked the audience (of the concert) to send out a message, "God's Not Dead." and that  concludes the movie and leaves the actual audience with something to think about, and perhaps a renewed faith. 

Link to God's Not Dead: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2528814/
Link to The Newsboys: http://newsboys.com/

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