Distant Waves: A Novel of the Titanic ★★★★

Distant waves incorporates a lot of different ideas - psychics and mediums, ghosts and spirits, an earthquake machine and time travel - into a famous historical event.

Suzanne Weyn writes about Jane and her four sisters who grew up in a small town based around spiritualism and psychic workings. When Jane and Mimi go to meet a scientist they once encountered when they were younger, their worlds turn upside down. They both fall in love, meet famous people, and Mimi goes on the trip of a lifetime.

Eventually, as fate would have it, Mimi and Jane meet up again on the Titanic along with Tesla, the famous scientist, Thad, Jane's boyfriend, and Jane's other sisters.

As Tesla prepares to test his invention something goes horribly wrong which leads to the sinking of the ship, so in order to help prevent their deaths, Tesla sends everyone forward in time; however, Mimi and Thad end up much farther into the future than he sent them.

The title is a little misleading saying as the Titanic only comes into the story towards the end of it however a lot also happens on it. Much of the book is used to lead up to the bigger events towards the end and thus the story seems to be a bit slow; however, a lot happens in the last hundred or so pages: a wedding, a proposal, a sabotage, and the most historical sinking of a cruise liner in history.

The plot of the book is a little scattered and a bit slow, but overall I enjoyed the book quite a bit. It had some science fiction, historical fiction, and romance in it as well as some paranormal aspects to it that made it different from some of the other books I've read.

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