The Mockingjay Part 1 ★★★

Finally! Mockingjay Part 1! We've been waiting for what a year and a half? So I saw this the day after it came out (sorry for the long wait! Been super busy!) Anyways Mockingjay Part 1 is a continuation of the Hunger Games trilogy which is being extended into four movies, which didn't turn out to be a very good idea.

Big Propaganda Quote
The movie starts out slow and stays slow for, well, the entire movie. The movie consists mostly of Katniss being depressed and worried about Peeta as well as making propaganda to broadcast to the other districts in order to keep the fire of revolution going.

I will say that the propaganda was powerful and I especially enjoyed the portrayal of the district uprisings, but the movie became too political and honestly could have probably been combined with the second movie instead of being drawn out like it was.
The Rescue Mission

They also made the rescue mission a long and drawn out process which in fact, was not. If you didn't read the book then it's quite interesting and isn't a big deal but still feels a bit more drawn out and dramatic than it needed to be.

The length of the movie aside, it wasn't that bad of a movie. The visual and sound effects were quite impressive and the costumes were incredible.

For those of you who don't know Jennifer Lawrence stars in the movie as Katniss Everdeen while Josh Hutcherson and Liam Hemsworth play as Peeta Mellark and Gale Hawthorn respectively. Let's not forget Woody Harrelson as Haymitch Abernathy. They all did a wonderful job but unfortunately it wasn't enough to make the movie great.

Gale and Katniss

The acting, effects, and costumes were all wonderfully done, but unfortunately the length and just the overall slowness of it made the movie not all that exciting to watch. To be honest it was a bit of a let down after Catching Fire but I do think that Mockingjay Part 2 will be something to watch so looking forward to it!

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